¡Con Ganas!
Program Description
¡Con Ganas! is a year-round program designed for multi-language learners in which traditional day classes do not meet educational needs due to:
- Work-related needs
- Child-care needs
- Over-age and under-credited circumstances
- Other personal urgent circumstances
There are four (4) CTE pathways a ¡Con Ganas! student may choose to enhance their educational experience:
- Cooperative Education
- Apprenticeship
- Entrepreneurship
- School-Based Enterprise
Huguenot High School
7945 Forest Hill Ave, Richmond, VA 23225
Mondays and Wednesdays
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Instructional Delivery:
Blended Learning
Profile of a ¡Con Ganas! student:
- Newly arrived student, may choose to enroll directly into Con Ganas from the Welcome Center to start their high school career OR
- Current EL student who are over-age and under-credited may also choose to enroll in Con Ganas to accelerate their path to graduation
- 17 years and older
- ELL level 4.4 or lower