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Our Schools


Remind Messaging System

What is Remind?

RPS uses the Remind Plan to provide 2-way communications with families and students!

See instructions below on how to sign up or re-subscribe to receive Remind notifications from your school and RPS. If you need to update your contact information, please reach out to your school!

If you would like to opt out from using Remind, step by step instructions are available here.

  • Parents can choose how to receive messages – text, email or app. For students, texting is available for ages 13 and over.
  • It allows for safe and secure messaging that is available in multiple languages
  • It has a call feature, so teachers may use it to make calls without using their personal number.

Sign-Up to Receive Text Messages!

To receive Remind text messages, find your school code below and text it to 81010 (including the @) on your mobile device. You can also sign-up online by clicking here.

Albert Hill Middle School @alberthill
Amelia Street School @ameliastr
Armstrong High School @ahsrva
Barack Obama Elementary School @boesrva
Bellevue Elementary School @besrva
Broad Rock Elementary School @broadrocke
Cardinal Elementary School @rps-ces
Chimborazo Elementary School @chimborazo
Dogwood Middle School @dogwoodms
Elizabeth D. Redd Elementary School @edredd
Fairfield Court Elementary School @fcesrva
Frances W. McClenney Elementary School @fmcclenney
Franklin Military Academy @fmarva
G.H. Reid Elementary School @ghreid
George W. Carver Elementary School @gwcesrva
Henry L. Marsh III Elementary School @henrylm
Huguenot High School @huguenothi
J.B. Fisher Elementary School @jbfishe
J.H. Blackwell Elementary School @jhbesrva
J.H. Blackwell Preschool @jhblack
J.L. Francis Elementary School @jlfran
John Marshall High School @jmjustices
Linwood Holton Elementary School @holtones
Lois Harrison-Jones Elementary School @lhjes
Lucille M. Brown Middle School @lucillemb
Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School @mlkjrms
Martin Luther King, Jr. Preschool @mlkjrpk
Mary Munford Elementary School @marymunfo
Mary Scott Preschool @maryscottp
Maymont Preschool @maymontp
Miles J. Jones Elementary School @milesjo
Oak Grove-Bellemeade Elementary School @oakgrovebm
Open High School @openhig
Overby-Sheppard Elementary School @overbyshep
Patrick Henry School Of Science And Arts @phssarva
Preschool Diagnostic Center @rvaowls
Richmond Adult Technical Center @ratcrva
Richmond Alternative School @rasrva
Richmond Career Education and Employment Academy @rceea
Richmond Community High School @rchsrva
Richmond High School for the Arts @rvaarts
Richmond Technical Center @rtcrva
Richmond Virtual Academy - Preschool/Elementary @rvaowls1
Richmond Virtual Academy - Secondary @rvaowls2
River City Middle School @rcmsrva
RPS Central Office @rpscentral
Southampton Elementary School @stigersrva
Summer Hill Preschool @summerhill
Swansboro Elementary School @sesrva
Thomas C. Boushall Middle School @boushallms
Thomas H. Henderson Middle School @hmsrva
Thomas Jefferson High School @tjhsrva
THRIVE @thrive-rps
Virgie Binford Education Center @virgieb
Westover Hills Elementary School @whesrva
William Fox Elementary School @wfesrva
Woodville Elementary School @wesrva

Frequently Asked Questions