RPS Advocacy Priorities
RPS advocates for policy change, resources and investments needed to ensure the success of our students, staff, and schools. Advocacy for our community now, is advocacy for a better future. Our strategic plan, Dreams4RPS, illuminates the 5 core priorities which we believe to be the most pressing matters in fortifying access to an exceptional education. We encourage you to review Dreams4RPS, our Legislative Agenda, and Policy Positions to learn more about how we structure our goals and the specific ways that we believe, as a community, should be investing in our students and staff.
Weekly Advocacy Updates
Advocacy Priorities & Resources
Advocacy Partners & Resources
RPS is proud to advocate alongside many organizations in our city, state, and nation that are advocating for students, teachers, and public education. Visit the organizations below to learn more about public education policy and other opportunities to get involved.
Fund Our Schools
Fund Our Schools is a statewide coalition of parents, students, teachers, and organizations who believe that every child in every zip code across the Commonwealth of Virginia should have access to a high-quality public education. The campaign officially launched in December 2019, and advocates quickly began mobilizing and organizing across the state at budget hearings and throughout the General Assembly legislative sessions.
Virginia Education Association
The VEA represents more than 40,000 teachers and school support professionals working for the betterment of public education in the Commonwealth. They have a robust legislative advocacy program and online action center.
Virginia School Boards Association
The Richmond City School Board belongs to the Virginia School Boards Association, a voluntary, nonpartisan organization of Virginia school boards, promotes excellence in public education through leadership, advocacy and services.
The Council of the Great City Schools
The Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS) brings together 76 of nation’s largest urban public school systems in a coalition dedicated to the improvement of education for children in the inner cities. The Council keeps the nation’s lawmakers, the media, and the public informed about the progress and problems in big-city schools. The organization does this through legislation, communications, research, and technical assistance.
The Commonwealth Institute
The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis provides credible, independent and accessible information and analyses of fiscal and economic issues with particular attention to the impacts on low- and moderate-income persons.
Voices for Virginia's Children
Founded in 1994, Voices for Virginia’s Children is the commonwealth’s only independent, multi-issue child policy and advocacy organization.
Virginia News & Politics
The Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP) is a nonpartisan nonprofit that tracks, analyzes, and reports data and news related to Virginia politics.
They offer a free news aggregation service that provides daily news clips from Virginia's newspapers and media outlets.