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Public Information Period

What is Public Information Period?

The Richmond City School Board is responsible by law for the development, review, revision and adoption of division-wide policies to guide the operation of Richmond Public Schools. The School Board believes that public awareness of the policy making process is highly desirable and that consideration should be given to the views of teachers, parents and other concerned community members in the development and implementation of school division policies.

The School Board welcomes community member input and participation in matters concerning the operation of the school division. The "public information" segment of the agenda at regular meetings is allotted for the hearing of community members concerning the services, policies and affairs of the City of Richmond Public Schools. Each community member desiring to comment on any matter concerning such services, policies, and affairs shall be allotted such time within the period as determined and allotted by the presiding officer. Each community member will receive up to three (3) minutes to provide comment. The Chair may allow up to five (5) minutes for community members representing organizations. The School Board reserves the right to adjust the time allotment for speakers to ensure maximum community member participation within the public information period. The School Board further reserves the right to announce rules and protocols during the public information period, to include prohibiting applause, to ensure that all community member input is heard and respected.

In-Person Meetings

Every community member desiring to comment on matters before the Board as herein specified shall, no later than 12:00 pm on the day of the meeting at which such community member desires to be heard, request the board clerk for an allotment of time by emailing a filled-out copy of the Request to Speak Public Information form (also attached below). In the event that time remains during the public information session, the Board may allow community members who have not made a request an opportunity to be heard.

Guidelines for Participation

Request to speak at a school board meeting by opening the Request to Speak Public Information form from this link. (Directions for submission are on the form.)

  1. Speakers should state their full legal name prior to addressing the Board.

  2. Speakers will address the School Board as a whole, rather than individual School Board members, the division superintendent, School Board attorney, Clerk, or any other staff member.
  3. The School Board will listen to comments but will not respond during the public information period.
  4. Speakers must supply the Clerk, when scheduling an appearance, with a description of their topic and must confine their comments to that subject only.
  5. Speakers appearing before the Board will not be allowed to campaign for public office, promote private business ventures, engage in personal attacks of anyone, or use profanity or vulgar language.
  6. "Silent" applause is permitted during the awards and presentations period only.
  7. Community members may express their views in writing in lieu of any oral presentation.
  8. Hearing impaired persons or individuals whose predominant language is not English may contact the Board Clerk in advance to make arrangements for an interpreter.

RPS Bylaws and Policies, Section 1: Bylaws, Policy 1-6.7 Public Participation at Meetings