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Our Schools


Exceptional Education

Richmond Public Schools offers the full range of special education and related services for our students with disabilities. 

  • Through collaborative partnerships with parents, educators, and the community, the Office of Exceptional Education supports the implementation of a rigorous curriculum for a diverse student body such that all students are positive contributors in a global society.
  • Through professional development, training, and technical assistance, the Office of Exceptional Education strives to provide a continuum of services to ensure all students have a quality education that meets their unique needs; and prepares them to be productive, contributing members of a global society

The IEP team decides the goals to be addressed and the accommodations and services to be provided. As a result of IEP team decisions, many of our students spend all or part of the day in general education with supports as defined by their IEP. Students with more intensive support needs may receive instruction for part of the day in a special education setting. Related services, such as speech and occupational therapy, are provided in a variety of environments, including special education classrooms and general education classrooms

Understanding Special Education


Family Engagement Sessions

We invite you to join the Office of Exceptional Education's Family Engagement Lunch & Learn Sessions! All sessions are for 1 hour and begin at 12:00 pm. Please use the links below to join the discussion!



Dyslexia Advisory

Dyslexia is often characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding (reading) abilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language and impacts effective classroom instruction. 

Click here for further details and resources

Transition Planning

The goal of transition planning is to support students with disabilities as they progress through school and prepare for life as an adult. Including planning for college, work, transportation, living arrangements, health care, and daily living. 

Click Here for a closer look at transition goals and programs

Family Resources

Procedure Safeguards
Guidance about your family's special education rights.
English - Spanish - Arabic - Farsi - Korean - Vietnamese - Urdu - Chinese

Parent's Guide to Special Education
Guide to help parents understand their rights and responsibilities, their child's rights and the school's responsibilities to meet the special needs of their child.
English - Spanish


Virginia Department of Education - School Year 2024 - Family Engagement Survey

Each school year the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is required to report the the U.S. Department of Education the "Percent of parents with a child receiving special education services who report that schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving services and results for children with disabilities." Richmond Public Schools would like for parents of children receiving special education services to participate in a short survey, which VDOE will use to collect the necessary data to report on this requirement. It is important to note that your responses are recorded anonymously and cannot be personally linked to your child.

Parents who have more than one child receiving special education services should submit one survey for each child receiving services.

Please see the following links to access the online survey.

2023 - 24 Indicator 8 Parent Survey - English Version

Virginia Department of Education - School Year 2024 - Family Engagement Survey - En Español

Cada año escolar el Departamento de Educación de Virginia (VDOE) está obligado informar al Departamento de Educación del Estados Unidos el “por ciento de los padres con un niño que recibe servicios de educación especial que las escuelas facilitaron la participación de los padres como un medio para mejorar los servicios y resultados para los niños con discapacidades.” Su división escolar local debe haberle proporcionado una oportunidad para participar en una encuesta que VDOE utilizará para recopilar los datos necesarios para informar sobre este requisito. Su participación en esta encuesta ayudará VDOE recopilar información adicional para identificar necesidades de formación relacionadas con los procesos de educación especial. Es importante tener en cuenta que sus respuestas son recordadas de forma anónima y no puede ser ligado personalmente a su hijo.

Los padres que tienen más de un niño que recibe servicios de educación especial deben presentar una encuesta para cada niño que recibe servicios.

2023 - 24 Indicator 8 Parent Survey-En Español


Exceptional Education
2120 Fendall Ave
Richmond, VA 23222

Phone: (804) 780-7911
Fax: (804)780-7605

Dr. Rossi Volley, Ed. D.
Director of Exceptional Education 
Tikisha White,
Associate Director of Exceptional Education