Multilingual Learner Success
Welcome to Department of Multilingual Learner Success
¡Bienvenidos! to the Department of Multilingual Success in Richmond Public Schools!
Over the past couple of years, through much advocacy for the rights of our students, their families, and the community at-large, the Department of Multilingual Learner Success has expanded into a newly recognized department under the Academics Office. Additionally, the department now encompasses the Welcome Center and Language Justice teams, the Ombudsman, as well as the LIEP team to create a powerhouse of support for our students, their families, our LIEP teachers and all bilingual staff in RPS. Anyone teaching and supporting multilingual learners (ML) in RPS will now have a full team to lean-on, from enrollment, to instruction: language development through the content areas, social-emotional learning, trauma-informed care, graduation, post-secondary success, ML data, professional development, interpretation and translation services, and family engagement, all tied together through a culturally and linguistically responsive lens.
Please browse to learn more about our Welcome Center, LIEP services, Language Justice, and our Ombudsman!
Five Year Plan
By SY 2028-29, the RPS on-time graduation rate for multilingual learners will reach 80%.
Family Communication
By SY 2028-29, 100% of multilingual families understand their right to bi-directional communication in their preferred language, and are empowered by the tenants of language justice, to expect meaningful communication and connection to schools
Family Advocacy
By SY 2028-29, 100% of schools will harness multilingual families' funds of knowledge, creating welcoming, trusting, and culturally responsive school environments that empower families as co-partners in student success.
Contact Information
Dr. Jennifer Blackwell
Caroline Crowley
Bilingual Administrative Office Associate
804-215-2907 ext. 1015
2120 Fendall Ave.
Richmond, VA 23222