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Adult Education

High School Equivalency

High School Equivalency (HSE), formerly known as the GED® Program, is designed for individuals 18-64 years of age who are employed or able to be employed and who have demonstrated academic readiness to prepare for and pass the GED® Test. Adult learners 18+ years of age and properly withdrawn from high school may enroll in the program. The classes and the instructional program are structured to achieve fast results for those learners who participate.


Adult Secondary Education

Adult Secondary Education (ASE) classes are designed to assist adults who are working towards achieving a High School Equivalency (HSE) Diploma. Students participate in preparatory General Education Development (GED®) credential and career pathways instruction facilitated by an ASE instructor. Students participate in GED Ready™ testing to gauge performance on the official GED® test to acquire a High School Equivalency Diploma. General Educational Development tests are a group of four subject area tests which, when passed, certify that the test taker has high school-level academic skills.

GED® Preparation

GED® Preparation includes courses that focus on Reading through Language Arts (RLA), social studies, science, mathematical reasoning with calculator skills to enable the learner to work on the four subjects GED® Test. Please call (804) 780-8311 for information.

GED Resources

Richmond Adult Technical Center (RATC)

Visit the Richmond Adult Technical Center website for information about vocational classes taught in the evening at the Richmond Technical Center.

Contact Info

Secondary Success Pathways
2020 Westwood Avenue
Richmond, VA  23230
Phone: (804) 780-8311
Fax: (804) 780-8184

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Letisha Woods-Harris
Specialist, High School Equivalency (HSE)

Lead Instructor, Adult Education

Tori Smith
Lead Instructor, Adult Education